Friday, May 04, 2012

El Paso update

It is hard to believe that it has been eight months since I last wrote anything here. So much has happened in that short time. As you know eight months ago I ended my time serving with Amor ministries and moved back to El Paso, TX. After I arrived home I spent much of the first month doing nothing but searching for work, and in October I found work (such as it was) with ACS, an out sourced call center for sprint cellular service. I can honestly say this was the worst job I have ever held. I however was very grateful to have it. But I quickly realized that I need to keep looking for work. As it turns out God had a hand in me getting that Job. I certainly was not going to stay long and I had already started the process of applying for the job I currently hold with the El Paso water utilities. I had no Idea that it would be nearly a six month process but God did and he also knew that I would need income during that time. So for that I thank God that ACS was there to provide that income. That being said I could not be happier that I am no longer there. 

I am however very please with my new work. It has given me something I think I have needed for a very long time a chance to rest. I don’t mean that I don’t work hard. What I mean is I am only work forty hours a week. When I am home I am home and work is not something that I need to think about. I have had time to spend with my family, and do work around the house, and form time to time just be lazy. I know this is something I probably shouldn’t say but I have even taken a break from going to church every Sunday. And while I know this is something that can be taken the wrong way it has been very nice to take a break from just about everything. Don’t get me wrong I know I need the church. But I think I am in a time of rest over all and I am very grateful to God for the opportunity. I don’t feel one bit guilty about missing a few services.

The hardest part of this transition has been trying to find my place among a very different type of coworker. I find myself wondering exactly when it was people lost respect for those who take pride in a job well done. It seems that if you give it your all now days you are looked down on. I believe it is out of the fear that your hard work makes the others look bad or maybe fear that more will be expected of everyone else, or maybe people are just getting plan old lazy. The fact that I have a strong work ethic has quickly made me an outcast among my fellow workers, and it is baffling to me. However I cannot bring myself to rein in my efforts just so that the rest of the workers can continue to do the status quo. If I believe that God has given me the opportunity to work (and I truly do) then I owe it to Him and no one else to give him my best. It is rather perplexing, after coming from an organization where most everyone gave their best. That is not to say that those of us working in ministry did not have a lazy day now and then, but I guess when you are working for something far greater than a paycheck you are willing to put in the extra effort. So the effort I will pour into this job will be the same as I put forth while I was at Amor because I know that God has given me this means to care for my family and I will not cheat Him out of my best.

All in all it has been wonderful coming back to El Paso I have gotten to see my daughter run in many track and field meets. I have a very nice home. I see my wife everyday (this I have not had for over nine years).And the blessing of rest God is pouring out on me is indescribable. I do find myself fondly remembering my time with Amor. I even find myself wondering if I will ever go back to that type of work. It is hard to say I really have no idea what God has in store. So for now I will be content with where he has me, and I will love him for it.